About Us

Welcome to the 13TH FLOOR, a luxury streetwear clothing brand.

Our goal is to inspire people to truly be themselves, free of societal and corporate norms. Too many people in this generation are  pushed to pursue structured careers from a very young age, slowly killing their inner child. Our inner child is filled with wild dreams and lofty goals on how we will change the world and pursue our true passions.

As we age through life, societal and corporate norms overpower our lifestyles and our dreams become ‘unrealistic’ as we are forced to focus on building a stable and safe career in Corporate America. Once we are inserted into this rat-race lifestyle, we end up throwing our own dreams and goals out the window and focus on building the dream within the Corporate American box. This ultimately leads to a life filled with self-resentment and wishful thinking.

The 13TH FLOOR is a place where our inner child NEVER dies because this is the very inner child that once dreamt of changing the world.

Our brand represents the inner child in everyone that should never be ignored. This a MEMBERS ONLY CLUB of like-minded individuals. We believe in forging our own path by never letting our inner child die as a result of external pressures and norms.

The 13TH FLOOR has always been deemed a place that should not be visited and has been associated with negativity and bad luck. However, it is simply where they don’t want us to be nor see. But now, we are here! The 13TH FLOOR is ours.

Wearing our garments empowers you to express your true self and embrace your inner child.

Join us and become part of a movement to reclaim the 13TH FLOOR from its negative association and turn it into a symbol of freedom, authenticity and self-expression.